Where Serious Short Sale Investors Come To Get The Good Stuff...

Dear Student I’ve had the privilege to teach short sales to over 20,000 people in the last 8 years. During that time I personally managed to purchase more than 350 houses from people facing foreclosure. And our team continues to do so every day. This real life momentum has spawned thousands of successful students, and dozens of new short sale experts, who now teach the business while running their own powerful house buying businesses. I’m darn proud of this legacy. The techniques and strategies you’ll find embedded in our seminars and information products on this site were at one time proprietary to only my staff and a few key students. Over the years, we’ve created and innovated these techniques ourselves. When I first started teaching, no one ever knew what a short sale was. Through our now much expanded network, and open sharing in countless hours of private one on one group masterminds, even visiting large bank mitigation centers across the country, we believe we have assembled the most accurate and practical short sale information available. Our personal deals and my short sale advisory board, including our on-staff loss mitigators continue to innovate and refine these strategies everyday. And it’s my goal to make YOU an expert in this field. Once you take this opportunity and run with it, the information on this site will take you places you’ve never even dreamed of.


Amidst today’s subprime and prime lender mortgage meltdown, short sales have hit the mainstream. Everybody now knows that short sales are the ONLY way to go in today’s market. Interestingly and oddly enough, there are VERY FEW real educated short sale experts. Meaning it’s highly likely there is no competition in your area. A short sale professional is someone who uses this concept in real estate as their primary source of income. They don’t complain about how tough short sales are, because they understand the parameters, which quickly weds out the time wasters in their deal pipeline. Most investors don’t. So they continually bumble about, befuddled and bewildered, thinking short sales are just too time consuming. That’s an easy and uncomplicated way to quit.

It’s my humble opinion that if you fail to truly learn and utilize short sale investment strategies in your real estate career, you will easily never realize 80% of your income potential. Ask me how I know this… I could name a hundred students in every state who focus exclusively on short sales and preforeclosures as their sole means of income. What’s the difference between them and you?


What are you waiting for? I know, you need to make sure this is real. It IS real to those who don’t make excuses. I’ve seen some remarkable lifestyle transformations in so many students – transformations in mindset, spiritual and of course financial states. We celebrated many of these success stories a couple of years ago, when I personally flew Donald Trump as our Keynote Speaker, and gave away my $70,000 Hummer to my highest achieving student of the year. So what does this mean to you? Bottom line – I want you to prosper and continually benefit from the information we provide. And you should stay plugged in to get continual feedback and support through our online membership community. This time tested information will take you to whatever level you want to go, at whatever pace you want.


Many serious investors (and those seriously disgusted with their J.O.B.) jump in and truly commit, by signing up for our five day intensive “Short Sales Exposed” training. If that’s your choice, then CONGRATULATIONS! Others will start slowly, by checking our some of our free stuff. My advice is to get started on something, create momentum and make a decision. Get your confidence from those who have already made the journey. Read their letters and listen to their amazing backgrounds – all varied walks of life.

At a minimum, it’s recommended you join our monthly membership, which is packed with an onslaught of seriously fabulous online training info, live calls with my negotiators working deals. It's Loaded with Seminar excerpts, how-to videos and teleseminars or if you have an immediate question on a deal you have, jump on board to our Ask The Mitigator Page.


Click to get a Free Hand copy newsletter packed full of killer articles, case studies, and success stories.

I extend a personal invitation to one of our national foreclosure workshops. Remember, those who don’t understand how to invest in using short sales in today’s market are getting left behind. Get yourself into explosive action in 2008, and we’ll see you at the top! To your quantum leap!
Big cities in the United States are currently facing a major downturn and this is specifically in the area of real estate and properties. Many of us are aware that foreclosure cases has exponentially expanded in places in Florida like Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and Broward. This affects many homeowners seriously and that is the major reason why we are hearing this 'bailout' thing from the government— stopping foreclosures is a serious thing that needs to be addressed.

If you do not have any property from these areas, to stop foreclosure issues might not be that interesting and important topic for you to give time. However if you have, then you better give time to learn to increase awareness on the issues like how to stop foreclosure Miami, how to stop foreclosure Broward, how to stop foreclosure Fort Lauderdale, etc.etc.

From these ongoing catastrophe, lenders are becoming more enthusiastic in finding solutions to halt this crisis. Lenders are aware that most of homeowners have little to no equity and are coming up with avenue for owners that desire to have their properties sold rather than hold on to it.

If you are one of these people who are experiencing problems on how to stop foreclosures then you must be aware that there are available options that can really help you in order to make a significant move to this particular issue—you must take time for this ways before it's too late.

So what is this thing that you can make to better handle problems like how to stop foreclosure Florida or how to stop foreclosure Fort Lauderdale?

Lenders came up this process called "short sales" and what you can do is to learn about short sales to address the issue on how to stop foreclosure. This method must be learned most especially those who think they are on the cliff on how to stop foreclosures. The knowledge of learning, you must remember, is not just applicable once but rather, you can make use of the strategies it provides as time goes—giving short sales ideas to others who have little to no knowledge about it is one example.

When we talk about short sale, this pertains to when a homeowner's lenders agrees to slash the mortgage balance owed so to let a quick sale on the owners property and to increase its market potentials. This strategy is becoming a fast way for lenders and homeowner as a solution to foreclosure process while giving a buyer a good deal on property that would not, normally, go for a good price.

So, if you are faced with problems like how to stop foreclosure Fort Lauderdale, to stop foreclosure Miami or how to stop foreclosure Broward, come to think of learning more about short sale—and the effective strategies it involves.

Roy Van


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